报告题目:On Pseudoholomorphic Map between Almost Hermitian Manifolds
主 讲 人:许小卫
单 位:中国科学技术大学
时 间:6月29日16:00
腾 讯 ID:927 836 564
摘 要:
In this talk, we introduce the canonical connection instead of Levi-Civita connection to study the smooth maps between almost Hermitian manifolds, especially, the pseudoholomorphic ones. By using the Bochner formulas, we obtian the C^2-estimate, Liouville type theorems of pseudoholomorphic maps, pseudoholomorphicity of pluriharmonic maps, Simons integral inequality and bounds of half norm of parallel canonical second fundamental form of pseudoholomorphic isometry.This is a joint work with Chiakuei Peng.
简 介:
许小卫,中国科学技术大学数学学院副教授。主要研究方向为子流形的几何与分析,相关结果发表在J. Math. Purest Appl.,Adv. Math.,Israel J. Math. Sci.Math.China等国际期刊上。