报告题目:Asymptotic Analysis for Time-dependent PDE Models with Small Holes and Applications
主 讲 人:王海兵
单 位:东南大学
时 间:8月16日14:00
腾 讯 ID:815 574 002
摘 要:
In this talk, weconsider twotime-dependent PDE modelswith a cluster of small holes. Based on the time-domain boundary integral equation method, we derive the asymptotic expansion of the solution as the size of the holes goes to zero. Under certain geometrical constraints on the size and the minimum distance of the holes, we show that the solution is approximated by a linear combination of point-sources where the weights are given by the capacitance of each hole. A rigorous justification of the asymptotic expansion is shown under natural conditions on the cluster of holes. As an application of the asymptotic expansion, we derive, in the limit case when the holes are densely distributed and occupy a bounded domain, the equivalent effective medium that generates, approximately, the same solution as the cluster of holes. Finally, we numerically verify the asymptotic expansions by comparing the asymptotic approximations with the numerical solutions via the finite element method.
简 介: