报告题目:Time Second-order and Space Fourth-order Conservative Characteristic FV Method for Environmental Modelling
主 讲 人:梁 栋
单 位:加拿大约克大学
时 间:6月26日9:00
ZOOM ID:99208847494
密 码:123456
摘 要:
Modelling atmospheric environment is a very difficult problem. The temporal and spatial variation of aerosols are influenced by numerous physical and chemical processes, such as emission, spatial advection and diffusion, aerosol dynamics and aerosol chemistry, etc. Aerosol transport computation may be carried out at continental or global scales for long term simulation. In this talk, we will present our new development of a spatial fourth-order and temporal second-order conservative characteristic finite volume (FV) method for solving atmospheric pollution convection diffusion problems. While the characteristics tracking is applied to treat the convection term, we use high-order conservative interpolation to treat the advective integrals over the irregular tracking volume cells at the previous time level. A temporal discretization by averaging along the characteristics is proposed for the diffusion term, where the diffusion fluxes are approximated by fourth-order spatial discrete operators that provide continuity of the discrete fluxes cross the edges of volume cells and tracking volume cells. Numerical experiments verify the temporal and spatial accuracies as well as mass conservative property. Realistic atmospheric pollution applications are further simulated by the developed conservative CFV algorithm.
简 介:
梁栋教授,加拿大约克大学(York University)终身正教授。从事偏微分方程数值解、环境和能源数值模拟、多孔介质渗流力学计算方法、计算电磁学等方面的研究工作。在大气环境气溶胶预测、油藏数值模拟、海水入侵模拟、地下水环境计算、Maxwell方程计算、超材料电磁计算研究中取得重要成果。在包括国际权威学术期刊J. Comput. Phys.; SIAM J. Numer. Anal.; SIAM J. Sci. Comput.; Numer. Math.; IMA J. Appl. Math.; IMA J. Numer. Anal.; Atmos. Environ.; J. Aerosol Sci.; Comput. Phys. Comm.; J. Sci. Comput.; J. Nonlinear Sci.; J. Comput. Appl. Math.等发表期刊论文100余篇。2012年获得加拿大国家自然科学基金(NSERC)的DAS奖励。连续承担加拿大国家自然科学基金(NSERC)项目的多项,并承担加拿大MITACS项目和中国“973”大气环境项目课题。