报告题目:Effect of Impulsive Controls in a Model System for Age-structured Population over a Patchy Environment
主 讲 人:杨 志 春
单 位:重庆师范大学
时 间:6月20日9:00
腾讯会议ID:653 509 664
密 码:123456
摘 要:
In this paper, a general model of impulsive delay differential equations in n-patches is rigorously derived to describe the impulsive control of population of a single species over n-patches. The model allows an age structure consisting of immatures and matures, and also considers mobility and culling of both matures and immatures. Conditions are obtained for extinction and persistence of the model system under three special scenarios: (1)without impulsive control; (2)with impulsive culling of the immatures only; and (3)with impulsive culling of the matures only, respectively. In the case of persistence, the persistence level is also estimated for the systems in the case of identical n patches, by relating the issue to the dynamics of multi-dimensional maps. Two illustrative examples and their numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of the results. Based on the theoretical results, some strategies of impulsive culling are provided to eradicate the population of a pest species.
简 介:
杨志春,重庆师范大学教授,重庆市巴渝学者,重庆市学术技术带头人。主要研究泛函微分方程、脉冲系统与混合控制、生物数学等。已(正)主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、教育部科技重点项目等项目10余项,参与省部级以上项目近10项。在IEEE TAC、J MATH BIOL等刊物发表论文70余篇。曾在中科院数学与系统科学研究院、加拿大西安大略大学、美国德克萨斯农工大学等做学术访问,美国《数学评论》、德国《数学文摘》评论员等。主持研究项目获重庆市自然科学奖三等奖。